So i recently acquired a dog, if acquired is the correct the word that is. Dog may not necessarily be the right word either, unless you've definition of the word equates to an evil robot that turns your back yard into an scene from one of, if not all of, the Terminator movies. That being said, she is undeniably cute. For proof, see here . She is supposed to come when you call out "Sasha" but this is not always the case and sooner or later she really does need to learn to sit and stay. But...
Merry Christmas, Yo ho ho and a bottle of over-the-top-capitalism (probably in a red and white can) for all you festive season party goers. I’m annoyed at capitalism. What you may say? Fishhead, the extreme right but intelligent guy annoyed at capitalism? Has the world gone crazy? Well it may just have done that. I’m sure there are many evils of capitalism out there, you know, things like third world countries pulling themselves out of debt and all that jazz but I think I’ve found the t...
So things are almost back to normal with the boys, short term at least. Caleb came out of the operation fine. Well, that’s not 100% correct, he came out looking like he’d taken one too many valiums to calm the nerves. Never seen someone looking so dopey, granted I’ve lived a self-constructed sheltered life but still, the kid looked like he hadn’t slept in a week. So he did, not for a week, really only about an hour and a half but it felt that long because hospitals are so boring. And th...
Geese, all this fuss. In Australia, the dreaded (not the hair, the fear based scary word) John Howard has got the big scary Industrial Relations Laws coming through. Leftist pinko’s roam the streets in gangs to denounce this is the end of life as we know it, the coming of the evil one and the end of the world in general. They haven’t been seen in numbers this big since the last time they mooted that the end of the world was nigh. To be fair, things will change. But as normal, I’m predic...
Well no one has kicked me so that means one of two things. Either people have a wildly different idea of what a pumping party should be then me. Or, and this is the more likely, out of the billions of people surfing the inexorable world wide web, no one has actually taken an interest in me. This doesn’t actually depress me as much as that sounds. Either way, I’ve kicked myself and here I am, maybe some vodka in the punch will liven things up. Life’s been interesting lately. A brief look...
They say it's fashionable to be five minutes late, I've never really subscribed to that view always preferring to be five or so minutes early. Nevertheless in this case it would be easy to say I'm far beyond fashionably late. I'd always ignored the whole blog phenomenon, of course i enjoyed reading some but being one of those people who only passes on forwarded emails if absolutely necessary (and no, i don't believe that adding my name to the bottom of list then passing it on to 10 friends...